Key Fob | Stroebel Automotive

Locked Out by a Dead Key Fob

If you have a vehicle with keyless entry and keyless ignition, have you ever considered how you would start your car in the event that the key fob dies? If this ever happens, you’ve got a few options. Take a closer look at your key fob – many of them hide a temporary, pull-out key…

Car Maintenance | Stroebel Automotive

Top 10 Most Common Vehicle Repairs

Changing the oil and oil filter, replacing wiper blades and air filters, and scheduled maintenance top the list of the 10 most common vehicle repairs. According to research conducted by IMR Inc., an industry leader in automotive research, the top 10 most common vehicle repairs performed by vehicle owners and their trusted repair shops are: Oil/oil…

Car Maintenance | Stroebel Automotive

How Often Does Engine Oil Need To Be Changed?

All vehicles need oil, though not just any oil will work. Modern auto engines are designed and built to require oils that meet specific industry and automaker specifications in order to ensure a long service life. If you use the incorrect oil, you could void your new car warranty. Most late model vehicles require a…

Check Engine Light | Stroebel Automotive

Check Engine Light

The lights on your dashboard can alert you to several different service related issues. It is vital that you do not ignore the warning signs your vehicle is providing. Ignoring the check engine, oil, or other lights can lead to serious issues. Some drivers will ignore the check engine light for fear that a costly…

Motorcycle Awareness Month

Motorcycle Awareness Month

May is Motorcycle Awareness Month and it is important to stay educated on motorcycle safety, whether you ride or not. While driving, it is vital to share the road with motorcyclists and treat them as you would any other motor vehicle. Be sure to keep an eye out for riders at intersections and in the…

Breathe Easier Automotive Repair Saginaw MI

Breathe Easier

Later-model vehicles typically have a great feature that cleans/filters the air that comes into the interior called a cabin filter. Cabin filters trap dust, pollen, and other airborne diseases, helping those with allergy and/or other respiratory problems. In addition to the cabin filter, your car has an air filter specifically for the engine that requires…

oil leak repair stroebel automotive Saginaw MI

The Importance of Inspection

According to the nonprofit Car Care Council, during vehicle inspections at community car care events across the country in April and October 2014, a whopping 84 percent of vehicles were in need of service or parts. That’s an increase of five percent from the previous year. This illustrates the urgent need for technicians to perform…