Car Winterization

The cold winter months can take its toll on your car if it is not properly prepared. There are several steps you can take to ensure your vehicle is properly winterized this year. Ensure Visibility Maintaining visibility throughout the winter months is essential for staying safe. Always use a scraper, not your wipers, to remove…


What Kind of Oil Do I Need?

While it wasn’t always the case, there are several choices when it comes to motor oil for your vehicle. What do you need to know for your next oil change? We’re here to help. Viscosity – this is the thickness of your oil and how it retains its pour properties at different temperatures. Conventional oils…


Car Care Month

October is national Fall Car Care Month, which a perfect time to perform a seasonal check-up on your vehicle. Here a checklist of items to check as the weather begins to cool down. Be sure to keep an emergency road kit in your car suited for cold weather. This should include: Blankets and extra warm…


Back to School Vehicle Safety Tips

It’s that time of year again – back to school! School days bring vehicle congestion, big yellow buses picking up school kids, parents dropping children off to school before work; it can get a little crowded! Now, more than ever, it is incredibly important for drivers to slow down and pay attention! If you’re dropping…


The Facts About Premium Gasoline

Many modern cars, especially higher end vehicles, will often recommend filling up the tank with premium fuel. This can become pretty hard on the wallet, with premium gasoline costing 40 to 50 cents more per gallon than regular. So, what does premium gas do for your car and when should you use it? When standing…


Hot Weather Car Care

As we transition from the mild months of spring to the downright hot months of summer, it is important to keep several car maintenance tips in mind.  As outside temperatures climb, tire pressure can fluctuate. A 10-degree increase on the thermometer results in a one to two increase in tire PSI. When tires become over…


Motorcycle Awareness Month

May is Motorcycle Awareness Month and it is important to stay educated on motorcycle safety, whether you ride or not. While driving, it is vital to share the road with motorcyclists and treat them as you would any other motor vehicle. Be sure to keep an eye out for riders at intersections and in the…


Springtime Auto Maintenance

Spring is the best time to get everything organized and cleaned up from Winter’s gloom! You clean your house both inside and out, and this time of the year is one of the prime times for auto maintenance! You can take out the snow shovel, gloves, and heavy boots from your trunk and store them…


Transmission Problems

There are a couple of common problems that occur when dealing with automatic transmissions, including fluid leaks and low fluid levels. You may notice a puddle of transmission fluid, often red in color, on your garage floor or driveway. If you don’t notice that, you may feel the transmission is slow to engage a drive…
