Vehicle Headlights | Stroebel Automotive

Why You Should Properly Maintain Your Headlights

If your headlights are not working well, it may be harder to see potential risks while driving at night or early in the morning. You may be surprised to learn that not all headlights perform equally. Interestingly, more than half of the mid-size SUV’s headlights were rated as marginal or poor after being tested. Roughly…

Key Fob | Stroebel Automotive

Locked Out by a Dead Key Fob

If you have a vehicle with keyless entry and keyless ignition, have you ever considered how you would start your car in the event that the key fob dies? If this ever happens, you’ve got a few options. Take a closer look at your key fob – many of them hide a temporary, pull-out key…

Winter Driving Advice

Severe weather can make driving not only frightening, but dangerous as well. Preparing yourself and your car for winter driving conditions is one way to stay safe on the snow and ice covered roads, but you should also know when to stay off the roads completely. How to Plan a Winter Drive If you do…